Canon Printer Maryland

HP Premier Security Manager

Although many IT departments rigorously apply security measures to individual computers and the business network, printing and imaging devices are often overlooked and left exposed.

43% of companies ignore printers in their endpoint security practices: Spiceworks survey of 309 IT decision-makers in North America, EMEA, and APAC, on behalf of HP, November 2016.

As printers become increasingly sophisticated, they offer greater opportunities for attackers to compromise the device, the data, or the entire network. Unsecured devices can be vulnerable in many ways:


  • Bios and Firmware Compromised firmware can open a device and network to attack
  • Management Undetected security gaps put data at risk over 250 security settings
  • Network Jobs can be intercepted as they travel to/from a device
  • Control Panel Users can exploit device settings and functions
  • Ports and Protocols Unsecured ports (USB or network) or protocols (FTP or Telnet) put the device at risk
  • Storage Media Printers store sensitive information that can be at risk
  • Capture (Scans) Unsecured MFPs can be used to send scans anywhere 
  • Input tray Special media can be tampered with or stolen
  • Output tray Abandoned documents can fall into the wrong hands 
  • Mobile printing On-the-go employees may expose data


HP Enterprise MFPs have over 250 security settings. Ensuring that each setting is in compliance, on every device in the fleet, can consume thousands of hours. Errors or missed settings can expose the organization to risk. 


Copiers Washington DC


This may look like an overwhelming number of settings to manage. That's why we offer HP Premier Security Manager to simplify and automate these settings.
