Tips for Safer Mobile Printing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/24/2023 - 15:11
hand holding mobile phone next to open copier

Mobile printing is a great solution and a popular choice for businesses of all kinds--but have you thought about what it means for print security? Here's a closer look!

Print Security with Mobile Printing

Today's multifunction printers are smarter and more capable than ever, but that doesn't mean they're immune to cybersecurity threats. Sure, they have built-in features that help protect them--but at the end of the day, they rely on your forethought and planning to ensure they're safe while they work.

Mobile printing, for all its incredible benefits, can complicate this responsibility.

The problem is that mobile printing often requires a variety of devices, which may be connected to a variety of apps--which, in turn, may not be very secure. Every time you connect to a printer for a mobile print job, you're potentially opening the door to trouble.

The solution isn't to put mobile printing on the shelf forever. It's to get smart about print security and network connections so you can protect yourself (and your data) ahead of time.

3 Tips for Mobile Printing Security

Ready to make mobile printing safer and smoother? Here are a few tips to get you started:

#1: Consider Managed Print

Managed print helps you understand your print environment holistically. That means you'll see vulnerabilities, challenges, strong points, and potential improvements--not just for mobile printing, but across your entire fleet. When it comes to cybersecurity, these broader approaches are sometimes better, simply because they give you more visibility and insight than a narrow focus would.

#2: Go Zero-Trust

Zero-trust security requires users to verify their identity every time they make a connection; there's no assumption that a device is "safe" just because it's within your network. This is a great way to enable mobile printing without leaving your machines open to various kinds of threats.

#3: Create Device Policies

When employees use their own devices for work, they can sometimes get more done because they're familiar with the operating system and setup. All you have to do is establish clear policies for how they do this, which apps they can leverage to access company data, and what kind of password or authentication protection they use.

In conclusion, mobile printing is an important part of today's business world--you just have to know how to do it the right way.

Contact us today for help securing your mobile print environment!
