If you're updating your business operations ahead of employees coming back to the office, you might be looking for ways to cut back on chaotic mismanagement and save money. One area you may not have looked to is your print environment. Managed print services can save tons of money for your company while providing comprehensive print oversight to improve employee efficiency and optimize your print operations.
What Options do You Have?
Okay, so what options are there for improving print with managed print services? Consider this fact: the average employee prints 10,000 pages a year. Think about the supplies used there, the waste generated...there must be a better way, right?
Right. Managed print services start with data-driven answers to overwhelming print costs, using a print audit. This way, you can see what print is unnecessary, where you can reduce desktop printers, and how streamlining supply ordering can save substantially. Then, you can use managed print solutions to update your print policy and cut back on waste and overspending on print. But wait, there's more.
Fixing Problems in Print, IT, and More
Digital solutions go beyond managed print, but many options involve using less resources and less waste. Another option is managed IT, which can add proactive, comprehensive IT management to your network systems.
From there, you may be interested in document management to update data to digital and cut back on physical storage space. The options are endless when you are looking for digital answers.
Let's Talk
Just make sure you work with the right vendor partner when you make your moves. United Business Technologies can get all the services you need to find the savings you want, without anything extra. Let's talk today.