Although the term managed print services gets batted around quite a bit in business, many people don’t understand what it means. MPS refers to more than a company that provides all of your printers or manages the process of creating passcodes for your employees.
What are Managed Print Services?
A managed print services provider consults with your company to determine your real print needs – not just your current use. Your current use shows what your employees currently print. That may not reflect the company’s actual needs. Your people may print many pages per day that they throw in the recycling bin at the end of the business day. That translates to wasted money for your business.
An MPS provider like United Business Technologies (UBT) provides consultations that help you uncover how much your business spends and why. You’ll learn how many of the average workday’s printouts were wasted prints and determine a real figure for how much your company should print each day.
Benefits of a Managed Print Services Agreement
Using MPS helps you identify outdated machines and hone in on one printer that you can place in each office or use as an office hub computer. This lets you create a print fleet that provides greater efficiency.
Perhaps your supply closet overflows with print cartridges and toners from various machines. Some older, less efficient printers cost more money because they use more expensive toners or cartridges and require more electricity to run. MPS providers can help you determine which printer could most effectively do the job for every department and help you craft a plan to move to that printer throughout your offices.
You’ll also learn why your employees print the documents that they do. Uncovering the “why” behind the printouts can open up opportunities for you to reduce costs while improving work processes. For example, your employees might print forms and instructions to complete a form required for their work. They process the form but throw away the instructions sheet or recycle it. You can create an electronically signed version of the document that they never have to print and that integrates the completion instructions into the form. This saves time and money.
You won’t know the many ways you can reduce costs and improve work efficiency until you receive your consultation. Contact UBT today for more information or to get started with managed print services.