Does your print environment work for you, or do you work for print? If you're not sure how much you're spending on print, how much is being wasted, or how many machines you have, you might not be as in control of your print environment as you think. Managed print services can help you tackle an inefficient print environment to find significant cost savings. In order to start saving and get a handle on things, you need to gather some critical print information.
What You Need to Know
When it comes down to it, what do you need to find out about your print environment to save money?
How many printers do you have in your office?
Many people have no idea how many machines are in the office.
Who does the majority of your printer troubleshooting?
It's probably IT or admin staff, and they could use some support from professional MPS.
What is the rate of print waste in your office?
Many offices waste almost 45% of printed pages.
How much can managed print services save?
Managed print is shown to save 20-30% on print costs.
What is your biggest spending in print?
Print spending usually leans on waste, output, supplies, and inefficiency. Address this with your managed print services provider.
Cutting Print Costs
Reducing print costs is as easy as finding the right managed print services vendor to establish a system for your team that works. Your vendor will help walk you through gathering the above information and finding cost savings and solutions.
How Managed Print Can Help
Managed print will streamline your office print situation and help you save on supplies and print troubleshooting. United Business Technologies can help you get precisely what you need for a functional managed print environment. Reach out to the team today.