Managed print services are the next step in business organization. You'll get an organized print environment while saving money and creating print oversight that is good for business.
So what exactly are managed print services and how does it work? Managed print is a comprehensive service that oversees print supplies, ordering, maintenance, and policy through data-driven solutions. The service brings your print management to a team of experts that know exactly how to reduce waste and cut costs while building productivity.
What to Ask
So, when you're investing in managed print services, how do you get what you need? Here are five critical questions to ask your managed print provider.
- How does the maintenance contract work?
- Will the supply ordering be on a regular schedule to save employees time and our company money? * Note: with the right service or when working with UBT, this is a given.
- Can the print audit data help reduce wasteful printing in my company?
- How will the team communicate print policy recommendations to implement?
- Explain your service and communication strategy. With the right vendor like United Business Technologies, these answers should be straightforward and positive. That's how you know you have the right team.
What to Look for
With these answers in hand, you'll know that you are working with a reliable vendor that is implementing print management that works in the best interest of your company. Don't settle for anything less!
Where to Start
Managed print services start with United Business Technologies. Get what you need and save today - call UBT.